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Halloween Party
03.11.2011, 23:27
• to learn Halloween vocabulary;
• to develop students’imagination;
• to learn some cultural information.
Classroom: balloons, Halloween posters, Jack-or-Lanterns.
Children are dressed up.
Equipment: 2 orange balloons, 2 black crayons, pieces of paper with sentences (see the 5th point), cards, 2 Halloween puzzles, CD player or computer, CD with songs.
Preparation: learn Halloween vocabulary; learn song “Trick-or-treat Rap” or any other song.

1. Greetings
Teacher: Hello, dear children! Today we are celebrating a holiday for children - “Halloween”. They celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October. Children make Jack-or-Lantern out of pumpkins. They dress up witches, ghosts, skeletons. They walk from house to house and ask “Trick or treat?” Colours of Halloween are orange and black.
Now you should be divided into 2 commands. We also have jury (elder students).
The first competition is “Jack-o’lantern”.
2. Competition “Jack-o-Lantern”
Teacher: Take 2 balloons and draw Jack-o-Lantern on it. But when the music stops, pass it to another person of your command.
When the last person in the group finishes, the jury decide who the winner is.

3. Who can say more?
Teacher: Children dress up for Halloween. What costumes are very popular this day? Name as many as you can. Children name costumes in turn.
Children: Witches, skeletons, mummies, black cats etc.
Teacher: The children walk from one door to another and say: “Trick or treat?” What would you like to get?
Children: Sweets, chocolate, cakes, bubble-gum, nuts.
Teacher: What tricks will you play?
We’ll pull down fences. We’ll put on spooky faces. We’ll dig up pumpkins. We’ll cut pumpkin faces. We’ll play load music. We’ll jump and run round your house.
Children get a card for each right answer.
4. Musical pause
Students sing the song “Trick-or-treat Rap”
5. Competition “How can we make a Jack-o-Lantern”
Each command should make up a recipe of Jack-o-Lantern. Children get pieces of paper with parts of recipe:
Take a huge yellow pumpkin.
Cut eyes.
Cut a nose and a mouth.
Put the candle inside the pumpkin.
Light the candle.
Put the pumpkin near or in the house.

6. Costume show
Children show their costumes and get cards.
7. Halloween Puzzle
Teacher: Make a picture and colour it.
8. Halloween Crossword
Teacher: Put the letters in order to find the words and then complete the crossword

9. Halloween Wordsearch
Teacher: Find as many Halloween words as you can.
10. Halloween Ridlles
Teacher: Guess who are they?
11. Summary
Pupils of each command sum up their cards and get marks.
Teacher: Thank you for Halloween party. I think you’ll remember this holiday.

For competitions you can use these songs:
“This is Halloween” from “Nightmare before Christmas”
“5 little pumpkins”
“Halloween” by Aqua
Категорія: Учителю англійської мови | Додав: ghoksana
Переглядів: 1265 | Завантажень: 76 | Коментарі: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всього коментарів: 1
1 ghoksana  
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